Happy New Year!

Step One
After finalizing your appointment with our intake coordinator, you will receive a text message with your Portal User Name and a Temporary Password

Step Two
Go to https://pfbhintouch.insynchcs.com. Enter your User Name and Temporary Password to the Log-In Screen. After inputting this information, it should prompt you to create a new password.

Step Three
After finalizing your appointment with our intake coordinator, you will receive a text message with your Portal User Name and a Temporary Password

Step Four
After creating your password it will redirect you to the log-in screen once again to enter your newly created credentials. It will then direct you to your dashboard.
Navigating The Patient Portal

Step One
Click the Request an Appointment Icon on your Dashboard

Step Two
Choose your provider from the drop down menu. Select a date and time that works with your schedule and add a reason for the appointment request. When you are done, click Send Request. You will be notified via email as to whether or not your appointment has been confirmed.
How to Request an Appointment
Please be advised, selecting an available appointment does NOT mean that your appointment has been scheduled.
You will receive a message through the portal when your appointment has been confirmed

Step One
Click Forms/Documents on your Dashboard

Step Two
Select the form you would like to complete.

Step Three
Follow the prompts to type in your information, name, and or initials. In order to add a signature, click Capture.

Step Four
You can either type or manually generate your signature. When you are happy with your signature, click Accept.
How to Complete New Patient Paperwork

Step Five
Once the form is completed, click Save, then click Submit.

Step Six
Click Yes to confirm you are ready to send in the form.

Step One
Click the Messages icon on your Dashboard Screen.

Step Two
Click Compose New Message

Step Three
Type your subject and message, read/agree to the disclaimer, then click send.
How To Send A Message To Your Provider
Please be advised, your message may not be reviewed, or seen for an unspecified period of time from the date that it is sent. If your message requires immediate attention, please call our office at 980-237-4766. If your medical situation requires immediate attention, please go to your nearest emergency room, hospital or call 911

Step One
View any outstanding account balances on your Dashboard.
Type the amount you would like to pay and click ePay Now.

Step Two
If you already have a card on file, you can select it from the Card # drop-down menu. If not, click Pay to proceed.
How to Pay a Bill

Step Three
Verify your billing information and enter your card information. If you would like to keep your card on file select "Please save my card for future use." Verify that you agree to pay the above amount and click submit.